
News from our Director – our week in pictures!

In our monthly update from Director Becca, this month she takes us behind the scenes at Historic Royal Palaces where we’ve been rehearsing Fire – A Princess’ Response to Burning Issues.

This is our schools project in collaboration with Historic Royal Palaces about the life of Indian Suffragette Sophia Duleep Singh. Read more about the project here

So it’s been a flurry of scary little activity here this week as we try to get our ambitious bio-play about Sophia up with our 3 dazzling actors multi-role-ing, speaking several languages, working with projections and coming up with audience participation!

While they, fab producer Vanessa and wonderful director Faye have been smashing through the play this week ready for our previews in schools starting Monday 4th July (gulp, pray to the goddesses, wish us luck!), I’ve been watching in awe and delight as writer and working with the marvellous Sharon Foster to get everything ready for our Mayven festival in a few weeks, but more of that in another blog. 

For now, here are some photos to share with you to give you a flavour of Fire, a Princess’ Guide to Burning Issues!

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