
Mentoring for Creatives with Artistic Director Rebecca Mordan

Black and white image of Rebecca Mordan smiling and wearing sunglasses. Text on the left side reads "Mentoring for Creatives with Scary Little Girls Artistic Director Rebecca Mordan"

Calling all creatives! SLG Artistic Director Rebecca Mordan is now providing mentoring through Creative Kernow.

Our Artistic Director Becca is a Board Member at Creative Kernow, and is also one of their newly announced mentors, alongside Tonia Lu, Rachael Jones, Katie Lusby, Bethany Lyne and Laura Wasley.

Whether you have an application you need someone to cast their eye over, or you need a conversation about your direction, you can request an hour-long 1-to-1 session with these fantastic arts professionals. Each mentoring session for creatives includes reading before the meeting and notes after the meeting. Mentoring sessions are available for all creatives, but Creative Kernow Associate 6 month and annual members get their first session FREE!

Becca can help you with:

Find out more about the programme and the other mentors here.

Interested? To book, please email

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