It’s all go for SLG at the mo in our beloved Cornwall!
We’ve launched our Story Walks at Hall for Cornwall with songs sets in the new bar, stories in the café and some performances of fantastic Cornish literature in-between! And lots of lovely history and gossip as we let you explore the refurbed parts of this fascinating building. Don’t worry if you missed the first weekends of these, we’ve got more coming up on June 11th and July 16th, when they’ll be opening our Mayven Festival week!
The Mayven is shaping up nicely, check out the line up as it grows here. We’ll be adding right up to the last minute so please do keep an eye on our website and socials. I’m so excited about all the different places we’ll performing and partners we’ll be working with – Sea Film are backing our film day at The Old Bakery with some funding from BFI, hurrah! Penlee will be letting us hold our birthday cabaret in their delightful secret garden of a theatre in Penzance on the 20th (both the company’s birthday and mine!), and we’ve just had one of my fave little theatres, The Poly in Falmouth confirm they will be hosting us for our programme celebrating Her Vagesty. Some of my earliest memories of performing take place in that theatre, with am dram, dance shows and lots of SLG work all blurring in a warm glow in my mind! We really hope to see you in July for all sorts of fabulous feminist work, both Cornish and national, we are really excited and it feels damn soon!
And I’m going to leave you with this account of our work last weekend, from our wonderful performer and director Faye, seen in the picture for this blog. Thanks so much Cornwall for all the artistic wonder you inspire!
“On Saturday, Scary Little Girls appeared at The Great Estate Festival with a brand new pop up event entitled Queens of Literature. Our four actors each presented a one minute extract from a piece of work by – you guessed it – a queen of literature. Artistic director Becca says “I seem to have developed a very niche skill of selecting short pieces of literature that work well outdoors”.
Said skill was put to excellent use and, focussing on writers with a connection to Cornwall, Becca selected excerpts from works by Daphne Du Maurier, Agatha Christie, Virginia Woolfe and Penelope Shuttle. Our actors were dotted around the curious enclaves of the beautifully decorated Gin Garden where they shared their pieces with the public. Despite the soggy weather we inspired many an interesting conversation with visitors of all ages and a lovely day was had by all.”
Faye Wilson
Director, Fire – A Princess’s Response to Burning Issues, in association with Historic Royal Palaces
Assistant Producer, Greenham Women Everywhere