We are absolutely thrilled to be working with a woman of prodigious talents and passions, the brilliant Becky Barry – please be introduced! And what is it with Rebeccas – we’ve a Rebecca and two Becky’s – we promise you’re allowed to be in Team Scary if you’re *not* called Rebecca!
Originally from Cornwall, Becky is a theatre maker and qualified BSL/English interpreter (Becky Allen RSLI). She is a passionate advocate for access provision, representation and liberation – onstage and off.
Her work is multi-disciplinary and ranges from performing as an actor-musician in family shows, to translating and then performing BSL interpretations of Shakespearean texts, to working as a rehearsal room interpreter, to delivering workshops and making films with young people, to being a mentor for Graeae’s Ensemble.
She has worked extensively across the UK and abroad, including regular collaborations with Shakespeare’s Globe, The RSC and Derby Theatre.
Becky is a long-term volunteer with a mental-health charity, and believes in the power of active-listening (both aural and visual) as a tool for better mental-health and wellbeing.
She is honoured to be working with SLG and Greenham Women Everywhere and we are excited to work with her. Watch out for another blog from Becky B soon – about otters, but not as you know them!