Our Patron Deborah Hinton OBE writes for us here about her involvement with our work. We are so proud to work with you Deborah!
I first came across Scary Little Girls on one of their ‘illustrated’ walks, in Truro. I was longing to find out more about Truro, my ancestral home. I was blown away by their creative interpretation, as we wandered through the twisting streets, historical figures, poetry, music, dance were woven together to create a magical city, stitching past, present and future seamlessly. I came away enchanted, a wiser and better educated woman, but not feeling that I had been in any sense ‘lectured at’; it was a lesson given without my even realising it.
I have followed SLG ever since, I accepted their offer to become a patron because in today’s difficult world, Scary Little Girls shines out. I see Rebecca as a knight in shining armour, wielding her sword and spear, championing often unpopular causes and fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. Women, BAME, Human Rights, Gender Politics, are all grist to her mill handled with such a light touch, kindness and humour that it must enchant rather than offend, even the most stalwart opponent of the causes espoused.
Being part of Scary Little Girls is also great fun, Rebecca and her troupe, are full of inventive ideas and it is stimulating being included in the R&D for the various productions, all of which are immensely varied and take place from London to Cornwall via Oxford. Greenham Common, the Mitfords, the Vikings, Salon du Chocolat, distinguished women in the arts and elsewhere, what will the next development be? I can’t wait to find out.
Find out more about Deborah and the rest of our team here