Artistic Director Becca is excited about our Hallowe’e Salon!
I’ve got myself quietly excited about the Halloween Salon special that’s coming on All Hallows’ Eve itself – or Allantide as we call it in Cornwall.*
In some ways this will be a back to basics, season 1 style salon, no bells and whistles or special guests, just me singing and reading to you, but it will also a microcosm of the side of our story telling work that I love best and that has proved most popular with audiences.
Over the years Scary Little Girls (SLG) has commissioned fantastic writers and musicians to give us their feminist take on classic tales; some have written original text that invert mainstream themes, like Kate Kerrow’s dark, witty, wicked Mr Barber’s Keeper. Some have taken a local legend and delivered a modern thriller that moves as much as it chills, like LH Trevail’s The Jumper Outer, inspired by Penryn traditions of headless horses driving a coach for death. And then some amazing Scaries can take a poem and put it to music. I’m always stunned by this, and this time Christina Li has only gone and put my gothic teenage obsession poem After Death to a tune I can play and sing to you on the ukalady (but not well as she does, I’ve included her version here so you can enjoy it as with her clever rhythm that you won’t get from me sadly), how awesome are the SLG peeps to do all this?!
And that’s why I’m excited about this special, it’s got some of my favourite material in from some of our long term associate artists and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with you.
I’ll leave you with the highly fitting phrase my drama teacher use to say when she wanted to swear and maybe we can make it the title of a Halloween cocktail, send me your ideas for what would be in it! – “Hell’s bells and buckets of blood!”
*Here’s a nice connection! In Cornish the 1st November is called Kalan Gwav, meaning the first day of winter. The night before, Hallowe’en is called Nos Kalan Gwav (nos means night). And in Welsh, the 1st November is Calan Gaeaf making Hallowe’en Nos Calan Gaeaf too!