
Cornish Women’s radio project

Cornish Women’s radio project, new for 2012, goes from strength to strength.  As well as our FEAST funding which has allowed us to set up this exciting new programme, we scaries are thrilled to announce that they have also been awarded a grant by the Community Grants Foundation to ensure this project have even better out reach and support for the year.

Tregorrick Park, St. Austell, Cornwall. PL26 7AG

01726 65566


Calling all Cornish Women:  Would you like the chance to make your own ready show?  To be trained and work with nationally acclaimed artists, journalists and technicians?  To have your voice and views heard by your community, your county and beyond?!

Scary Little Girls, in association with Radio St. Austell Bay and FEAST, bring an exciting new project to Mid Cornwall aimed at women and girls of all ages. With a team of technical advisers, journalists and performers we will train and mentor you as a group to empower and enable you to produce your own monthly radio programme. The show will be whatever you want it to be – you will be in control of everything from production to content. This project is particularly aimed at bringing together females who feel disadvantaged, undervalued or isolated – to allow them to express themselves, learn new skills and be part of something original and rewarding. Whether you are a young Mum who worries she has lost her identity or a retiree who wants to avoid becoming isolated and lonely – or if you are a woman reading this and it’s just crying out to you! – get in touch and be part of the magic of radio.

Contact – Sheila Vanloo 07702452265 or email [email protected] for details.

Sheila Vanloo
Station Manager
01726 844238 / 07702452265
email: [email protected]

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