
The Telegraph & The Lady

Two articles about Scary Little Girls have appeared in the national press this month, each highlighting a completely different aspect of SLG and the work we all do.

Feminism In London workshop picked up by The Telegraph

Written by SLG founder Rebecca Mordan and delivered by SLG mainstay and collaborator Naomi Paxton, we hoped that the Taking Space Talking Loud workshop would attract a dozen or so of the women at this year’s FiL conference – but on the day, the room was packed to the rafters with over 60 women.

Exploring what it means to take up space as a woman is evidently a hot topic.  Frequently asked to reduce themselves and blend into the background, this workshop explored how women can find themselves and their voices at work, socially and in relationships in a safe, women only space.  Have a read of the Telegraph article which picks up on these themes: ‘Why can’t women stop saying sorry?’

…And now for something completely different…

In The Footsteps Of The Mitfords reviewed by The Lady

Sharing the front page of the latest edition of 130-year old magazine The Lady (“for elegant women with elegant minds”, apparently) with George Clooney’s famously cheesy grin is a surreal experience for SLG!  Our hugely popular Living Literature Walk focusing on the (in)famous Mitford sisters – and taking place at one of their old family homes, Asthall Manor (home of the on form sculpture park) – once again drew sell-out crowds.  Although the reviewer mostly seemed relieved that she wouldn’t be “disgusted, bored or losing the plot” or “have to sit through swearing on stage or mass nudity in a bid to shock”, we’re pretty sure she enjoyed the experience for what it was, as well as what it wasn’t:

“We knew we were in for a treat when we arrived to see a party of 20 leaving, all with big grins on their faces… it was the most charming event and I could have watched them for hours.”

To read the full article, I’m afraid you’ll have to buy a copy of the magazine!

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