Hey hey, so we know we’ve been a little slow getting this info out there – a heady mix of small team and covid related regulations making it harder for us and the communities involved to make decisions and finalise plans. We thank you for your patience, good people of Earth. These two links should really help!
Firstly, here is the route: https://greenhamwomeneverywhere.co.uk/march/
And secondly here is the events page: https://greenhamwomeneverywhere.co.uk/events/
These are both works in progress and we’ll be adding to these from here on in, giving you details of the places we are stopping and that are hosting celebratory events along the route; what is happening on the Common itself across the anniversary weekend; and what other groups are organising.
But we need your help! We only know what groups are planning if you tell us and we know women are keen to know here and abroad what’s crack-a-lackin’ so please send us your copy about your event and we’ll add it to this page. Please send the details you want us to share to [email protected] and be sure to say whether your event if public or for Greenham Women and friends only.
It’s getting close people, personally I’m breaking in my walking trainers and brushing up on my Greenham Songbook – onwards!