So, as many of you know SLG, like everyone, had their wings clipped recently and all our touring work has come off the road.
In response to this, I thought I’d tentatively try out putting some of our smaller scale work online, a giant leap into the abyss for me as I’m a complete tech-peasant… Our storytelling and salon shows have been popular for many years so I thought I’d break them down into bite-sized pockets of fun feminism and the Salon de la Vie was born (many many thanks to FEAST, Arts Council South West and Cornwall Council for funding these)!
Turns out getting things right in the digital world is like wackamole, you fix one thing and another thing pops out of kilter so the there’s now a startling (for me) amount of tech gadgets in my living room.

To try and befriend them I’ve called the camera Margo because it makes me think of the Good Life (‘that’s the last time I play the Tart for you, Jerry!’) and the microphone Lydia to try and emasculate it a bit!
Any ideas what I can call the jaunty little stand for my iPhone which has now also been bought into play alongside Eva my mac in streaming us into this brave new world?
Please message me and I’ll pick a name from your suggestions and reveal it to the public at the 3rd of June salon!