
Joanna Spence is a singer, musician and voice leader based in the Midlands.

She plays in a folk duo called Arbor Low with her brother Matti, leads a Balkan and Eastern European polyphonic vocal group, teaches one-to-one voice sessions, and offers residential song and voice work retreats. She’s also very excited to be in the process of setting up a folk choir.

Joanna is Buddhist, and spends half her year living outside running camping retreats and gatherings with Buddhafield. Her favourite way to be is barefoot and a bit muddy, singing around the fire. She has a deep love for the natural world, and loves to sit and hum with her back against a great mossy tree. As much as she loves song, she loves silence – or, listening to the spaces between the sounds. And she has a hunch that there’s a lot we can learn from tuning into these spaces and really listening, with our whole bodies.

For Joanna, singing in harmony together is one of the greatest joys of being human. She is delighted to be attending Mayven Festival for the first time and joining Frankie Armstrong for two performances at the Feminist as Folk cabaret.