
Cirk Hes‘ is Cornish for ‘Shoal Circus’, and aptly encapsulates the ethos of this weird hybrid of a protective and liberating charitable organisation, that co-ordinates all manner of things ‘Circus’ in Cornwall.

Whether the context is creative industry professional, youth, social, community, or performative, ‘Cirk Hes’ get everywhere and do everything! Their ‘Head Zookeeper’ Nome Lewis is the unique Mayven at the centre of it all.

Rather than feeling like ‘a fish out of water’ within the Cornish community, I felt welcomed by it, and the works of our charity well supported by it. Regardless of my mixed ethnicity, scouse accent, and personal quirks‘ she grins.

Circus folk and Cornish folk have long understood and supported each other. When times get tough, just like a shoal the group takes care of the individual, without encroaching upon it, and the individual takes care of the group’. The ‘many’ as a ‘body of one’.

Want to run away with the Circus? Go see what the new ‘Cirk Hes’ Helston space can offer you.

You can follow Cirk Hes on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.