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Aldermaston: Embrace the Base Anniversary
11th December 2022 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Come to Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp: Time to celebrate
The spiders and crows are gathering on the 40th anniversary of Embrace the Base when 30,000 women joined hands in solidarity, protesting against the siting of American nuclear weapons on Greenham Common.
Embrace the Tower! The Control Tower, Greenham Common
Combining photos and soundscapes, talks by women who lead or attended the Embrace, performances from Scary Little Girls, mulled wine and a singalong from the Greenham Song book!
Herstorians chatting to people and recording memories.
2pm, Meet, Greet and Memory share – grab your glass of mulled wine and add your photos, fliers or other memories to our Embrace table, and have a chat to the Herstorians hosting it.
2.30pm-3pm, Guest Speakers, readings and songs inspired by Embrace the Base by Scary Little Girls and female artists who were part of the action.
3pm, Embrace the Tower! Head outside where we’ll use hands and wool to embrace the tower and raise a cheer for peace and solidarity!
3.15pm-4pm, Head back inside to warm up with more mulled wine, and enjoy more readings and songs, finishing with time for a Q&A for all your burning Embrace the Base Questions.
Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp
Workshop 1 – Making crows, spiders and jar lanterns (for evening Lantern parade) to encircle the base with webs, spiders & crows and expose the web of connections that enable nuclear weapons and AWE Aldermaston to exist (uranium mining, militarism, financial interests, etc.).
Workshop 2 – The Web of Resistance. Weaving the web of resistance to nuclear weapons and nuclear colonialism. What we need to resist, both in terms of personal energy, commitment and resilience, and possible/feasible actions.
Workshop 3 – Visions of a good society. What a world without nuclear weapons would look like.
After dark – Lantern parade
Site-specific performance by local Movement Artists (this will last approx. 20 mins and will also happen at 10am and 1pm)
Crows & Spiders shadow puppet show
Wintry spider & crow party (bring your own crow/spider costume or make one at Camp)
Sunday morning
Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp
10.30am-12pm Workshop – Movement Building: Militarism. Links to the Climate and Nature Crisis
The programme will be updated here on the Facebook event page and is subject to change. All accessibility and travel info is also available on that Facebook page. We are supporting and attending this event along with our sister company Greenham Women Everywhere, but we are not running it so we advise you to check the Facebook Page for the most up to date information.