

It’s been an exciting week for SLG as we embarked on workshops for our upcoming short film, Culling.  Writer Kate Kerrow, a longstanding Artistic Associate of Scary Little Girls, has been blogging the process here.

We’ve got two fantastic co-directors on board: Helen Tennison has an exciting visual approach which really brings text to life and she’s been nominated for Best Director at The Off West End Awards; David Trevail is a Scottish BAFTA winner with an unusual eye and terrific insight.

Script synopsis:

Set in London c. 2015, the film explores British society under increased economic pressure due to a viral strain which is spreading through the more densely populated UK cities.

The development of a cure by injection has been costly and resources are limited. An allocation system has been devised whereby citizens are given hierarchical status according to their occupation. This system dictates who receives the injection first.

The film investigates the effect of this society on the prison system. Criminals have been categorised; the greater the crime, the higher the category. Those in the highest category must pass a short interview with a Tester in order to receive the injection.

Culling begins when Robin Howarth, prisoner, meets the woman he believes to be a doctor, the person he believes will administer his cure.

Instead, he meets the enigmatic Mia, an imposter searching for a loved one, accidentally finding herself in the most disturbing moral position she could ever imagine.

Kate and SLG will be looking to crowd-fund this project so check back to find out how you can get involved.  In the meantime, we’re off to do our homework before getting back together for more pre-production work in the autumn…



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